Incognito Market, marketplace sul darknet noto per il commercio di stupefacenti, ha improvvisamente interrotto i prelievi di BTC e XRM: si teme un exit scam
Dark Markets News
The dark or black market is a shadowy part of an economy that traffics in illicit goods. In terms of the economy, dark markets operate as a part of the whole market, so it — in the same way — obeys the law of supply and demand. Dark markets have their own online platforms or websites are called darknet markets or cryptomarkets and they operate via darknets that allow users to stay absolutely anonymous while working on the net. Considering the relative anonymity and universality of cryptocurrency compared to fiat currencies, Bitcoin has already become popular as a payment method on dark markets. One of the most popular examples of such use of digital currency is Silk Road, the internet retail platform that traded illegal products and services.
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Gli account compromessi potrebbero fornire ai malintenzionati informazioni riservate su aziende e individui
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Il Daily Beast riferisce che il presidente Trump sta considerando di graziare Ross Ulbricht, il noto fondatore del markeplace illegale "Silk Road"