In una dichiarazione in tribunale, la SEC degli Stati Uniti ha ammesso di non conoscere il luogo di residenza di Satish Kumbhani, il fondatore del famigerato schema Ponzi BitConnect
BitConnect News
Bitconnect is a cryptocurrency-based platform that has described itself as a self-regulated financial system that would brings big benefits to its investors. The Bitconnect coin was a cryptocurrency designed to provide funding for the maintenance of the platform. Strong marketing made Bitconnect’s price one of the fastest growing on the market and the Bitconnect coin hit $463 in December 2017. Large amounts of earned funds were spent on promoting the currency through numerous events, ads, etc. A video of speech by Carlos Matos at one of those events has gone viral and became the source of a Bitconnect meme. However, pretty soon, Bitconnect started to be described as a Ponzi scheme and was ordered to cease and desist by regulators of North Carolina and Texas. On January 2018, Bitconnect experienced a major crash and the Bitconnect exchange shutdown. Bitconnect stopped publishing news, closed their development and almost lost the entire price of the Bitconnect coin.
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Quattro dei sei promotori statunitensi del noto schema Ponzi BitConnect hanno raggiunto un accordo con la SEC
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Tre anni e molti indimenticabili meme dopo, la SEC degli Stati Uniti ha denunciato cinque persone per aver promosso il progetto fraudolento BitConnect
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La polizia indiana ha arrestato un uomo coinvolto nella promozione della truffa Bitconnect.
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La State Securities Board del Texas ha emanato misure restrittive nei confronti di un network di società fraudolente correlate alle criptovalute.
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YouTube è stato aggiunto tra gli imputati nella causa contro BitConnect: secondo l'accusa, la piattaforma non avrebbe adottato le giuste misure per eliminare i video fraudolenti.
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In una nuova causa legale collettiva, gli sviluppatori di Nano sono stati accusati di aver mentito riguardo all'affidabilità dell'exchange italiano BitGrail.