La banca d’investimento brasiliana BTG Pactual ha annunciato un fondo su Bitcoin: ciò ha spinto i trader ad acquistare Bitcoin Gold (BTG), altcoin non correlata alla notizia
Bitcoin Gold News
Bitcoin Gold (BTG) is a new kind of cryptocurrency that came about as a result of a Bitcoin hard fork and is aimed to be more decentralized than Bitcoin. BTG was founded in 2017 by Jack Liao, who was CEO of the mining software company Lightning ASIC, headquartered in Hong Kong. BTG uses the same PoW consensus algorithm as BTC does, so the main difference between them is the use of Equilash hash algorithm instead of SHA 256 in order to prevent Bitcoin Gold mining unless it is done with ASIC equipment. Bitcoin Gold’s price also depends on buyers’ interest and, despite the fact that many BTC holders have exchanged their crypto money for BTG when it first appeared, Bitcoin Gold’s future is still unknown, as currently it is only ranked 20th by market cap.
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