Gli avvocati che rappresentano l'ex CEO di FTX e i procuratori statunitensi hanno chiesto fino al 17 febbraio per valutare l'impatto che l'uso di una VPN potrebbe avere sulle condizioni di libertà vigilata di Bankman-Fried
VPN News
A VPN — or virtual private network — is an extension of a private network that enables users to exchange data across shared public networks in a way that none of the devices will be directly connected to the private network. A VPN provides strong encryption for the protection of unauthorized access to data sent over the network. VPN networks are mostly used for additional privacy, the opportunity to avoid national restrictions or censorship of the web and security of the private network. VPN services are used by businesses to make anonymous payments, establish secure access to corporate resources and authentication process and to connect company offices with a united network. VPNs are also a popular way of securing internet activity performed on a public WiFi connection. There are a lot of services that currently make VPNs easy to install on various devices, including smartphones and PCs.