Alcuni membri della crypto community hanno accusato il presidente della SEC di aver promosso in precedenza Algorand.
Uber News
Uber is an American-based international company that has made an application with the same name for searching, calling, getting and paying for a taxi or private driver. The company was founded in 2009 by Travis Kalanick and Garett Camp and the main office of Uber is currently headquartered in San Francisco. With the help of the application, a customer can book a cab and follow its track. In terms of cryptocurrency, in Uber, Bitcoin is allowed as a payment for buying gift cards and even, in some countries, rides also can be paid in virtual currencies. However, while the administration is just considering the ability of such ways of payment, some experts think that decentralized technologies, such as blockchain for Uber and other services that work as mediators, can be dangerous since, with blockchain, drivers and other service providers can connect directly to their customers.
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- Intervista
Alex Mashinsky, fondatore di Celsius, racconta di aver inventato non solo la DeFi, ma anche Uber e il VoIP. Ha inoltre cercato di creare Bitcoin, quattro anni prima di Satoshi Nakamoto
1672 - Notizie
Il CEO di Adyen teme l'eccessiva volatilità di Bitcoin, mentre Uber ha "respinto rapidamente" la proposta di acquistare la criptovaluta
2062 - Notizie
Facebook ha concluso accordi con numerose aziende, comprendenti nomi del calibro di Visa, Mastercard e PayPal, al fine di supportare la propria criptovaluta.
1150 - Notizie
SoftBank permetterà agli utenti di tutto il mondo di effettuare trasferimenti internazionali di denaro tramite RCS, SMS o email, utilizzando la tecnologia blockchain.